Discover the Truth!
Polygraph Examinations
We offer a full range of polygraph services to corporate and private clients.
Our fees are reasonable and we maintain a high ethical and professional standard.
This type of testing is successfully used to help solve cases such as theft, fraud, violent crime and corruption.
Polygraph examinations are also very useful in determining the integrity of prospective employees. This form of testing helps weed out applicants with criminal and otherwise dishonest backgrounds.
Polygraph testing is well recognised in South Africa and is a vital tool in helping companies employ and maintain an ethical workforce.
Our examiner has over 23 years of experience and has conducted in excess of 25 000 polygraph examinations.
We have received training from American Polygraph Association accredited institutions and are members of the Southern African Polygraph Federation (SAPFED).
Our fees are reasonable and our conduct is always professional.
EyeDetect® Examinations
EyeDetect® is a new lie detection technology that uses infrared scanning of the eyes to detect lies. The system takes 60 frames a second of the test subject’s pupil dilation. The test is very accurate and is completely unbiased. The test can be used alone or in conjunction with polygraph testing to produce accuracy outcomes as high as 99%.
EyeDetect® is fast becoming the new go-to lie detector test for quickly and accurately screening larger numbers of personnel. The test is much quicker than a polygraph test. The results are determined by a complex computer algorithm which analyses the pupil dilation data collected during the test.
EyeDetect® is already in use in over 50 countries worldwide.
Police and military forces around the world have started using EyeDetect® alone or in conjuction with polygraph testing in their recrcuitment and ongoing screening processes.
EyeDetect has been accepted as evidence in courts in the U.S.A.
We are proud Premier Service Partners of EyeDetect® in South Africa.
To learn more about the science and development of EyeDetect® have a look at the Converus wesbite.
IntegrityDetectTM is a very fast, cost-effective solution for establish the integrity of prospective or current employees. The test has no geographical restrictions as it is web-based and can be administered via a computer or smart phone. It is ideal for very quickly screening large numbers of test subjects.
Scientific Interviewing
The use of scientifically structured interviewing and questioning techniques such as SCAN (Scientific Content Analysis) and VIEW (Verbal Inquiry – Effective Witness) supplement the lie detection testing we carry out and adds depth to our lie detection services.
A polygraph or EyeDetect® test result alone is sometimes not enough to move an investigation forward. Skilfull interviewing can greatly assist to establish further evidence in an investigation.
Testing Accuracy
Dedication To The Truth
Lie Detection Solutions